The Orillia and District Association of Churches (OADAC) is a fellowship of Christian churches and para-church ministries, representing the whole body of Christ, serving God in the city of Orillia and surrounding townships.
More about what OADAC is and provides to Orillia.
Based on our belief in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, our purpose is to serve God as the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit direct us, and to strive toward unity among all believers in our community, by providing leadership in mutual caring, support and encouragement through worship, prayer, service and fellowship. The Orillia and District Association of Churches continues to encourage our diversified faith community to work together in oneness of spirit and, through united efforts, show forth God's unconditional love and compassion with those around us.
The Orillia And District Association of Churches (OADAC) is a fellowship of Christian churches and para-church ministries, representing the whole body of Christ, serving God in the city of Orillia and surrounding townships.
More details about OADAC can be found in the OADAC Constitution here